Saturday, January 28, 2006

5Streets Brighton and Hove

This blog is inspired by the 5Streets idea created by Julia, on the other side of the world to me in Sydney. You can read her original 5Streets blog here

I live in what is officially known as 'Brighton and Hove'. That's right, it's basically two towns with wildly different personalities shoehorned into one joint entity a few years back, for various local political reasons which we won't go into here.
I'm located near the 'border', such as it is, between the two (actually you'll find that they run smack into each other).

I love the idea of finding out more about the streets around me. I volunteer for a local history website here and love hearing the stories behind the places I pass everyday and the way in which this town, city, call it what you will, is constantly evolving. I hope to share a few of those everyday stories here.

No digital camera as yet (I'm quite fond of the idea of real photos that I can look at without the aid of a computer), but I'll try and scan a few to put online here.

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